Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine Cards

We've been hard at work today doing a craft. Yay! Finally, I can say we messed the house doing something fun rather than the usual books and bags everywhere. Today it was pretty paper and popcorn and hole punch circles everywhere. The kids have 55 valentines to bring to school- collectively. Yikes! And can anyone attest to the gaudy and gross valentine cards for kids to send out sold at the local big store?

Of course that means we needed to break out the craft supplies and see what we had to work with. S decided to write every one in class a note and decorate them with stamps. She worked furiously until shower time in the evening.

C decided he's help stuff baggies of popcorn and let me write the names of all the kids on paint chips from that big store. I love using paint chip cards for projects. But of course I can't turn this picture around so I can properly show you. They are tied with my coveted baker's twine. They would have been much better if they were red and white stripped paper baggies. But I've got zero time to get those.

S's turned out cute, too. I had to photo booth this shot, which actually turned out much clearer than my camera. Oh. When I get into some money I'm going to have a lovely camera that makes everything look gorgeous.

Total cost of this project: $4.00 . Not bad for 55 valentines. And a couple of sore fingers from hole punching and tying.

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