Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Painted Owls- A 5 year old craft

S is at an inventive age. An age where an idea comes to mind and it just feels like the end of the world if she can't act on it. She's so talkative- especially to grown ups. That's just how it is when you are the oldest (I know this well.) Larger word and phrases such as, " well perhaps", or "well actually," are the start of sentences. It really is a challenging and awesome age. Things have gone from why -to why and how- and how can I do this- stage.

So early one morning, she decided in the spirit of reduce, reuse, recycle- she would make painted owls and have a "garage sale." I didn't really believe that she would do it, but she did exactly that. This is how our Saturday morning went a few weeks ago.

She got the toilet paper rolls we save when all the tp is gone. She pushed the middles in of one end of the top portion of the "owl" to make ears. Water color went on the owls. She painted many. I think almost 15, which took an hour or so. Set them aside to dry. She then jumped in the bath. Why? Well, that was my question, too. To get cleaned up for her garage sale, Mom. Oh, right. I was really getting a kick out of seeing her be such a big girl. She brushed her own hair, which stopped right at shoulder length and the other 9 inches were left knotted. Brushed teeth, put on clothes, and a baseball cap. Because, Mom- that's what you wear when you sell things.

She then loaded up her apple picking bag with the owls and recruited little brother to hold a sign that said "PAINTED OWLS, 50 CENTS!" Her scooter was loaded up and they went to the bottom of the driveway and...waited. And waited. As you can see our street traffic is about a car an hour. Unless you count Willy the horse and the calf that got out and was roaming the road. So, as not to get discouraged I went inside to get them some snacks and drinks.

Finally! A neighbor came home and bought one. C and I also bought one. We then walked to the mailboxes to try and sell more...but the two stupid (I mean) hurried neighbors wouldn't slow or stop. I was able to convince her to come home and we could sell them anther day. I was proud of her to set her mind to something and follow through with it. I was also pretty surprised in myself for having the patience to go through with sitting out and waiting for customers. I have to say she was pretty adorable, and that was my motivation to help her.
So, family and friends if you are in need of a painted owl to add to your knick knack collection, you know where to come. Only fifty cents please.


Knee said...

Please tell S that I would love to buy one of her owls on Thanksgiving.

Jennifer @ OrangePolkaDot said...

And you can tell S that she has her first international order! Those owls are so cute! She is one determined girl - next year she'll be setting up a booth at the Farmer's Market. We should have M & S do pen pal letters w/drawings/postcards, etc. =)