Thursday, December 9, 2010

Unconditional Love

Today I want to remember:

-How E held my face in his little hands and said, "aright mom" (I love You) and gave me a kiss on the lips. They he asked for more coffee!
-How I love to breath in his soft hair.
-How he asks everyone in the house, "how are you?" first thing in the morning.

- How the older kids come to my bed in the morning and give my arm a rub before going off to wake the house and let the dog out.
-How Chiquita told us that she had the best birthday ever and can't believe that she got everything she asked for in complete gratitude.
-How C shows great affection for every one in the house and is not afraid to tell us how much he loves us. Kindness from a 5 year old boy is wonderful.
- How Chris treks to work each week to give us a good life.

This is something I hope to keep up. It helps me find some balance when I'm feeling overwhelmed by being mom.

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