Friday, November 7, 2008

Thursday's Thing for my Baby: Strollers- On Friday

Yes, I realize it's Friday night, but I didn't have internet all day yesterday. So, better late than never. I guess.

I needed a stroller system for my first two children because they were so close in age. 22 months to be exact. I tried a Jeep double stroller that was long and heavy. I got some nice biceps at the time, I believe only due to that stroller. I hated it. It was so hard to steer. Now, they are in a Jeep side by side umbrella stroller, only when needed. That was such a breath of fresh air compared to the workout I'd get with the old one. But, now they maxed out the weight limit on that one, too. I think that they are a combined weight of 67 pounds.

For this baby I need a light weight, easy steering, and car seat carrying stroller that can also hold another child. I have done some research and found that the one that may work for us is the Joovy Caboose stand on tandem stroller. It's affordable, comes in lots of cool colors, and will support two kids without me breaking out in a sweat. It has a large basket for storage which I will need carting three kids around. It also has a universal car seat attachments, which works for us because we have a light weight car seat and a larger one for when the baby gets a bit bigger. It can be found all over the internet, but I discovered that babies'r'us sells it much more affordably and with free shipping if you go through their web site.
Now I need to go purchase it as the time gets closer. In the next 15 weeks or so.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel that you made the right choice by selecting Joovy Caboose stand on tandem stroller. It is really the best one with all good features to carry you two babies. I’ve read many reviews about it while I was searching about Hauck baby stroller, for my little one. I love the way it maneuvers.