Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer Part 1

This summer of vacationing really started this spring with our trip to Monterey. We then celebrated 2 graduations in our household. Kindergarten and preschool. The last day of school was full of games, like hula hooping. S is officially a pro at hula hooping. The Monday after school let out for summer we took off to our usual spot in Pescadero. This time grammy came with and we had side by side cabins which was so fun for the kids to be able to hop from room to room via the deck.

The first part of our summer has been met with lots of sand, smell of fire on our clothes, visiting and vacationing with friends in new places, carefree kids. The kids got wet suites to accommodate the cool oceans. I've enjoyed mingling with other families, enjoying my own, and feeling the cool earth on bare feet on a warm day.

There are many more pictures of a camping trip to Lake Don Pedro with a fire fighter friend and his lovely wife and little girl. A impromptu trip back to the coast with Chris's co worker and his fun family at their vacation cabin in Aptos. We are in the midst of swim lessons, hip hop class, some play dates, birthday parties, and wedding renewal (s)! What a jam packed summer this has been so far. But, I am soaking it all up because aside from my little medical issue I've been having- it's been really sweet.

Also, my little guy- who is now 17 months old, is just a joy. He's weaned this week amazingly well! He's been in a big boy bed for most of the nights. We've done away with the high chair. Yay! He talks soooo much. I'll have a post on him I think at 18 months.

I'm feeling very blessed!

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