Sunday, July 26, 2009

6 Months

What can I say? I really am amazed and shocked that little E is a half a year old. I'm having a really good time with this little dude. He has a perfectly round head. He smells good- mostly. Until one of the older siblings gives him a wet kiss! He still has perfect rolls and is squishy and yummy and I find my self clenching my teeth when I talk or look at him because I love him so much!

We're hitting some milestones here like sitting up, which is so nice to see him at a different angle. Teething pretty badly here also. This just literally started 2 nights ago when he was crying so hard at bedtime trying to wind down. I also thought he was ready for food because he keeps acting like he's starving when he sees me eat. But, I think he likes the idea of food best. So, a slow process. But, don't take the sippy cup away, lest you be yelled at by the mighty E!
Just recently his legs have figured out how to roll back on to his back from tummy- but the arms haven't. So, it's a little amusing to see him contorted into a figure 8 working it out. He's loving the jumperoo, especially when one of the kids is jumping next to him. Get's him all jazzed.

His smile really does melt my heart- and Chris feels the same. He also growls. Yes, growls. S and C did as well as babies. I guess it has to do with figuring out new sounds. And, if you growl back he gets even louder. It's hilarious. People will often stop and say hi to him because he makes a sweet "hi" sound. The next months ahead posts will be longer because he's going to be hitting so many more milestones. It's fantastic to see, but eekkk, my littlest baby's growing like crazy.
Happy 6 months my little big guy!

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