Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rotten Days

There has been a lot going on around here with my frequent trips to doctor's appointments and S going to school- and life in between. And I know it can be tiresome for the kids. Today I got a taste of my child having a hard day. When I picked S up from school she was already upset that she couldn't find a picture she made for me. Then her little brother had to tell her we went to see a friends new baby- without her. So then there were tears over *why does he get to have all the fun. Then we got home and it all came out. *Teacher said I hit someone when Olivia actually did it. Ah, ha. I remember the rough days at school.

How to remedy this? I'm trying to think what a 5 year old would need for consolment. I first gave her a good long hug and we promptly made cookies. I made a fire and we sat and watched a TV show and then played with Barbies. And that seems to perk a kid up having a rough day.
I'm so thankful that I can be home to do this for my children. You know, be there when they need me. There's nothing more comforting than being able to feel safe and loved by a parent when things are going sour. I'm thankful to have shared that moment with her and to have been able cheer her up.

The cookies we made that cheered her up: Cake mix cookies

-1 box yellow cake mix

-1/3 c vegetable oil

-2 eggs

- whatever you like to add in, we added chocolate chips and smashed banana

-mix and put in oven at 350 degrees about 8 minutes

-instant kids happiness (with a glass of milk)

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